Marianas Office

Saipan, Tinian, Rota

Saipan Office Staff

The Marianas Office of MLSC provides assistance to people living in Saipan, Rota, and Tinian, CNMI. We provide direct legal help (including counsel and advice, document preparation, investigation, handling administrative cases, and representation in court matters) in a variety of civil cases, including (but not limited to):

  • Family matters such as paternity, divorce, custody, and child support
  • Consumer matters such as debt collection defense and bankruptcy.
  • Employment such as discrimination cases and protecting against termination or discipline.
  • Immigration and naturalization, including family petitions, advance parole, and naturalization.
  • Housing, including eviction defense and mortgage foreclosure.
  • Probate, including advice, limited estate assistance, and other services.
  • Victims and Survivors assistance, including Orders of Protection and VAWA self-petitions.
  • Miscellaneous, including affidavits and general powers of attorney, and advice.

Our focus is to provide holistic assistance to help our clients maintain or regain economic and familial stability. We try to look at all of your legal issues and offer integrated assistance. We have a client-centered approach that assures confidentiality and client decision-making at all stages of the process. We provide trauma-informed assistance to victims and survivors of family and sexual violence.

Organizational Structure

Staffed by:

  • Jane Mack — Directing Attorney
  • Christopher Heeb — Staff Attorney
  • Gregory Baka — Staff Attorney
  • PollyAnne S. Taitano — Paralegal
  • Noreen M. Adao — Paralegal
  • Kristy R. Diaz — Paralegal
  • Carmina E. Kileleman — Secretary

Organizational Details

LocationChalan Piao
Office Hours / Intake Times8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday
Languages spoken by staffEnglish, Chamorro, Carolinian, and Tagalog
Phone Number(670) 234-6243 or (670) 234-7729

How Do I Get MLSC Help?

MLSC legal help is free to eligible persons. 

Individuals and families may be eligible for legal assistance from MLSC if their household income is below 125% (or 200% in some circumstances) of the US Federal Poverty Guidelines for Hawaii and their assets do not exceed specified amounts. Groups, associations, and corporations may also be eligible for free legal assistance from MLSC if they lack funds to retain private counsel and the majority of their members /shareholders are eligible for services.

You can request legal assistance by contacting the office in person, by phone, by email, or by completing an online application.  You have a right to apply and hear back whether we will take your case. We do not provide reasons for our decisions on whether we take a case. What we consider includes conflicts of interest, your household income, your household assets, the merits of your legal matter, other resources in the community, our priorities set by the Board, LSC restrictions, and our capacity to handle the matter.

Due to limited resources, we cannot take all cases, even though you may be eligible for our services. 

How-To Guides and Resources

The legal information we provide here is general information to help you decide how to handle legal issues. It is not advice about what you should or should not do. For advice, or for more legal help, please contact our Marianas Office and request legal assistance. Caution! Laws are different in different locations. The information here applies only in this jurisdiction. Do not use the information here for legal issues in other jurisdictions.

Other Services and Resources

The resources listed here are to help you get assistance for your situation. These are not MLSC affiliated programs or agencies.

  • CNMI Bar Association–for those who want to find a lawyer in the CNMI, or complain about a lawyer, or get general information about the legal profession here.
  • CNMI Center for Living Independently — help for those in transition to better health and independence, including the disabled, veterans, and others.
  • CNMI Family Court–for those wanting pro se help or court forms in family cases
  • CNMI Nutrition Assistance Program — foodstamps and other help for the needy.
  • CNMI Office on Aging —for the manAmko. Activities, transportation, discounts, and more.
  • CNMI Public Defender–for those charged with crimes or traffic offenses who need help
  • Karidat — for help with family and sexual violence, human trafficking, and for food, shelter, and clothing assistance
  • NMPASI (Northern Marianas Protection and Advocacy Systems, Inc.) — for those with disability and health issues.