Ebeye Office (Marshall Islands)


Our Priorities and Legal Services

Support for Families

The cohesiveness of the family is fundamental to our way of life.  It is also the foundation of the stability of our society.  We recognize that all families are vulnerable to problems requiring legal assistance for their resolution, and we place a high priority on cases in which legal assistance supports the integrity, safety, and well-being of the family.

Preserving the Home

Preservation of the home is essential to the well-being of every person. Enabling families to avoid loss of their home is a priority.   Of equal importance is the assurance that families can be safe and secure at home.  We also respond to the needs of individuals and families in natural disasters including typhoons.

Delivery of Legal Services

we prioritize trying new ways to increase our reach, our availability, our effectiveness, and our efficiencies, including using available technologies, and providing legal workshops, community education presentations, legal information material, videos, and outreach.  We also prioritize activities designed to involve the community in increasing access to justice, as well as working with groups, institutions, and agencies to increase access justice for all.  

Maintaining Economic Stability

Families and individuals must be economically viable in order to survive.  We give a high priority to cases in which the family’s source of income is at risk.  Other legal matters, including consumer issues, may threaten basic economic stability and merit high priority.  We also place a priority on cases involving parental responsibility for the support of their children.

Safety, Stability, and Health

Domestic violence threatens the security and stability of families at all economic and social levels, and we stand with individuals and families seeking to escape from physical, financial, and emotional abuse.   Representation in cases involving access to health care may also be essential to preserve the security and stability of families, and are accorded an appropriate priority.

Populations with Special Vulnerabilities

We seek to reach the elderly, the poorest of the poor, those who are less capable of fending for themselves by reason of difference in language, cultural and educational backgrounds, disability, or other special problems of access to legal assistance or special legal needs.

Client Eligibility

Individuals and families may be eligible for free legal assistance from MLSC if their household income is below 125% (or 200% in some circumstances) of the US Federal Poverty Guidelines for Hawaii and their assets do not exceed specified amounts. Groups, associations, and corporations may also be eligible for free legal assistance from MLSC if they lack funds to retain private counsel.  

You can request legal assistance by contacting the office in person, by phone, email, or by completing an online application

Due to limited resources, we cannot take all cases, even though you may be eligible for our services.